"Plus one of" Inputs

APIs where one additional input from a list is required

Many of the APIs have required inputs, and then a requirement for one other input chosen from a list of what we call "Plus one of" Inputs. When you see a "Plus One Of" option, it means the API requires at least one of those options, and it doesn't matter which one you provide. You can provide more than one, as well.

Sometimes, you'll need to provide more than one of these inputs to make sure your request is clear (for example, if you provide an address, you'll need the city and state or zip to make sure it searches for the correct address; if you provide a city, you'll need the state or zip).

On the "Try It" API pages, these inputs are marked as "Plus One Of" and grouped right after the required inputs so it's easy for you to see which inputs you can choose from.