When interacting with the API, pay close attention to the HTTP status codes returned. These codes serve as valuable indicators:
Successful Requests:
- A 2xx status code (e.g., 200 OK) typically indicates success. Your request was processed correctly, and you can proceed confidently.
Failed Requests:
- A 4xx status code (e.g., 404 Not Found) signifies a client-side error. It means the API couldn’t find the requested resource or the request was malformed.
- A 5xx status code (e.g., 500 Internal Server Error) indicates a server-side issue. It means something went wrong on the API’s end during processing.
The table below will help you interpreting these status codes, you can determine whether your request was successful or encountered an issue.
When an error code is returned, check the “errors” property in the JSon response object for more details.
Code | Description | Fix |
200 | Successful request and response | |
400 | The request is not structured correctly or does not contain the correct request parameters. | Update the request structure as required. Provide the required inputs. |
401 | Unauthenticated - the api key provided is invalid. | Use a valid api key. |
402 | Payment Required | Number of match credits insufficient. Contact customer service to Purchase more credits. |
403 | Permissions - the account does not have permissions to access the API. | Contact customer service to gain access to the APIs. |
429 | The number of requests are exceeding the rate limit. | Reduce the number of requests per second. Note: API calls that received a 429 error are not automatically re-processed, these will need to be re-submitted. See also: API Rate Limit |
500 | Something broke on the server. The “errors” property on the response object may not be present. The response object itself may not be returned. | Try request again then contact customer service if error persists. |