Available Data

To access the specific type of data you require, simply click on the corresponding API link. Each link will provide you with access to the relevant data set.

What Data do you want?Type of Data needed?Use this API
Contact Information
Get consumer contact information, such as:

- emails
- phone numbers
- mobile numbers
- multiple numbers
- online audiences
- postal addresses
ConsumerContact Append API
Get consumer insights, such as:

- consumer demographics
- financial, household and auto insights
- lifestyle and interests insights
- political and donor insights
ConsumerDemographic Append API
Online Audience
Get alternate online audience emails.
Consumer or BusinessOnline Audience Append
Get business details such as:

- business name
- postal address
- domain
- industry, SIC, NAICS
- n. of employees
- Sales volume
- year founded
- is public or private
BusinessFirmographic Append API
Get business details such as:

- Job Title
- Business email
- business name
- postal address
- domain
- industry, SIC, NAICS
- n. of employees
- Sales volume
- year founded
- is public or private
ConsumerConsumer to Business (C2B) Append API
Get Domains and Firmographic associated to an IP address, such as:

- business name
- postal address
- domain
- industry, SIC, NAICS
- n. of employees
- Sales volume
- year founded
- is public or private

Here below are the details of available data for the Demographic Insights.

Consumer Demographic Insights

  • Age Range
  • Gender
  • Ethnic Group
  • Religion
  • Education Level
  • Occupation
  • Language
  • Marital Status
  • Working Woman in Household
  • Senior in Household
  • Single Parent
  • Presence of Children
  • Number of Children
  • Young Adult in Household
  • Small Office or Home Office
  • Online Purchasing Indicator
  • Online Education

Financial, Household and Auto Insights

  • Home Own or Rent
  • Household Income
  • Estimated Net Worth
  • Home Year Built
  • Home Purchase Date
  • Home Purchase Price
  • Dwelling Type
  • Home Value
  • Length of Residence
  • Credit Card Holder Bank
  • Number of Credit Lines
  • Upscale Card Holder
  • Credit Rating
  • Mortgage Purchase Amount
  • Mortgage Purchase Loan Type
  • Mortgage Purchase Interest Rate Type
  • Mortgage Purchase Date
  • 2nd Most Recent Mortgage Amount
  • 2nd Most Recent Mortgage Loan Type
  • 2nd Most Recent Mortgage Interest Rate Type
  • 2nd Most Recent Mortgage Date Loan to Value Refinance Date
  • Refinance Amount Refinance Loan Type
  • Refinance Rate Type
  • Home Pool
  • Auto Year
  • Auto Make
  • Auto Model

Lifestyle and Interests Insights

  • Magazines
  • Reading Current Affairs and Politics
  • Mail Order Buyer
  • Dieting and Weight Loss
  • Travel
  • Music
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Arts Antiques
  • Home Improvement
  • Gardening
  • Cooking
  • Exercise
  • Sports
  • Outdoors
  • Women's Apparel
  • Men's Apparel
  • Pets
  • Investing
  • Health and Beauty
  • Decorating and Furnishing

Political and Donor Insights

  • Party Affiliation
  • Donor Environmental
  • Donor Animal Welfare
  • Donor Arts and Culture
  • Donor Children's Causes
  • Donor Environmental or Wildlife
  • Donor Health
  • Donor International Aid
  • Donor Political
  • Donor Conservative Politics
  • Donor Liberal Politics
  • Donor Religious
  • Donor Veterans
  • Donor Unspecified
  • Donor Community