Configuration Parameters

Required Parameters

NameDescriptionValue TypePossible ValuesNotes
required_fields[]An array of contact fields that a record must have in order to be present in the output list.array of stringsaddress, email, phone, phone_multiple, phone_mobile, oaphone_multiple and oa (online audience) must also be provided in the maximum_coverage[] field

Optional Parameters

NameDescriptionValue TypePossible ValuesNotes
optional_fields[]An array of contact fields that a record should include when the data is available.array of stringsaddress, email, phone, phone_multiple, phone_mobilephone_multiple must also be provided in the maximum_coverage[] field
max_coverage[]An array of contact fields that a record should be added to a record. This will kick off a process to append the contact fields from our additional, internal data sources.array of stringsemail, phone, phone_multiple, phone_mobile, oaBecause this option causes the system to run an append, it can greatly increase the overall processing time, i.e. from 1 minutes to multiple hours.
max_recordsThe maximum number of records to return.integer greater than 0
contacts_per_addrWhether to return a maximum of 1 record per address.integer1Currently only supports the value 1.
include_demo_categories[]An array of demographic categories that should be included in the output array of stringsb2cDemographic, b2cHouseFinAuto, b2cLifestyleInterest, b2cPoliticalDonor
include_filter_attrsA boolean for whether to include any demographic filters used for creating the list, as columns in the output list.boolean1For example, if the list is filtered by gender, then Gender will appear as a column in the output list.
rcfg_phone_formatAn integer to change the returned phone format.
note: if parameter is omitted only 10 digit phone will be returned (4255553214)
  • 1 - country code will be returned in front ot 10 digit phone (14255553214)