Output Sample Full Demographic

Here's the output of the above API call, in JSON. Note: output fields with no value do not show up in the response.

            "Age Range":"35-45",
            "Education Level":"Completed High School",
            "Single Parent":"No",
            "Presence of Children":"Yes",
            "Online Purchasing Indicator":"Yes",
            "Online Education":"No",
            "Estimated Net Worth":"> $499,999",
            "Home Year Built":"1989",
            "Home Purchase Date":"19881007",
            "Dwelling Type":"Single Family Dwelling Unit",
            "Length of Residence":"15+ Years",
            "Credit Rating":"750-799",
            "Mortgage Purchase Amount":"1062000",
            "Mortgage Purchase Date":"19880412",
            "Loan to Value":"35%",
            "Home Pool":"Yes",
            "Mail Order Buyer":"Yes",
            "Dieting and Weight Loss":"No",
            "Consumer Electronics":"Yes",
            "Health and Beauty":"No",
            "Census Median Home Value":"219600",
            "Inferred Household Rank":"4",
            "Range Of New Credit":"$5,001-9,999",
            "Number Of Adults":"4",
            "Household Size":"6",
            "Home Market Value":"718700",
            "Generations In Household":"3",
            "Mailer Order Responder":"Yes",
            "Membership Clubs":"No",
            "Apparel Womens Petite":"No",
            "Apparel Womens Plus Size":"No",
            "Apparel Womens Young":"No",
            "Apparel Mens Big and Tall":"No",
            "Apparel Mens Young":"No",
            "Apparel Childrens":"No",
            "Beauty Cosmetics":"No",
            "Card Holder American Express Gold Premium":"No",
            "Card Holder American Express Regular":"No",
            "Card Holder Discover Gold Premium":"No",
            "Card Holder Discover Regular":"No",
            "Card Holder Gasoline Retail Gold Premium":"Yes",
            "Card Holder Mastercard Gold Premium":"No",
            "Card Holder Mastercard Regular":"No",
            "Card Holder Visa Gold Premium":"No",
            "Card Holder Visa Regular":"Yes",
            "Card Holder Gas Dept Retail":"Yes",
            "Card Holder Travel Entertainment":"No",
            "Card Holder Unknown Type":"Yes",
            "Card Holder Premium":"No",
            "Credit Card User":"Yes",
            "Credit Card New Issue":"No",
            "Bank Card Present In Household":"Yes",
            "Investing Personal":"Yes",
            "Investing Real Estate":"No",
            "Investing Stocks Bonds":"No",
            "Investing Finance Group":"Yes",
            "Investing Foreign":"No",
            "Charitable Donations":"No",
            "Veteran In Household":"No",
            "Apparel Children Infants Toddlers":"No",
            "Apparel Children Learning Activity Toys":"No",
            "Children Interests":"Yes",
            "Christian Families":"No",
            "Cat Owner":"No",
            "Dog Owner":"No",
            "Other Pet Owner":"No",
            "Career Improvement":"No",
            "African American Professional":"No",
            "Books Magazines":"Yes",
            "Audio Books":"No",
            "Reading Science Fiction":"No",
            "Reading Magazines":"Yes",
            "Reading Audio Books":"No",
            "Reading Grouping":"Yes",
            "Military History":"No",
            "Religious Inspirational":"Yes",
            "Science and Space":"No",
            "Home Computing Office General":"No",
            "DVDs Videos":"No",
            "TV Video Movie Watcher":"No",
            "Home Computing Office":"No",
            "High End Appliances":"No",
            "Music Home Stereo":"No",
            "Music Player":"No",
            "Music Collector":"No",
            "Music Avid Listener":"Yes",
            "Movie Collector":"No",
            "TV Cable":"No",
            "Video Games":"No",
            "TV Sat Dish":"No",
            "Computer Games":"No",
            "Electronics and Computers Grouping":"Yes",
            "Theater Performing Art":"No",
            "Musical Instruments":"No",
            "Collectibles General":"Yes",
            "Collectibles Stamps":"No",
            "Collectibles Coins":"No",
            "Collectibles Arts":"No",
            "Collectibles Antiques":"No",
            "Collector Avid":"No",
            "Collectibles Antiques Grouping":"Yes",
            "Collectibles Sports Memorabilia":"No",
            "Collectibles Military":"No",
            "Lifestyle Interests Collectibles":"No",
            "Do It Yourselfer Auto Work":"Yes",
            "Do It Yourselfer Sewing Knitting":"Yes",
            "Do It Yourselfer Woodworking":"No",
            "Do It Yourselfer Aviation":"No",
            "Do It Yourselfer House Plants":"No",
            "Do It Yourselfer Crafts":"No",
            "Do It Yourselfer Home and Garden":"No",
            "Do It Yourselfer Gardening":"No",
            "Lifestyles Crafts Hobbies":"Yes",
            "Lifestyles Photography Video":"No",
            "Lifestyles Smoking":"No",
            "Lifestyles Home Improvement":"No",
            "Lifestyles Food and Wine":"No",
            "Lifestyles Natural Foods":"No",
            "Lifestyles Food Grouping":"Yes",
            "Lifestyles Board Games and Puzzles":"No",
            "Lifestyles Casino Gaming":"No",
            "Lifestyles Sweepstakes":"Yes",
            "Travel Domestic":"Yes",
            "Travel International":"No",
            "Travel Cruise Vacations":"No",
            "Living Home":"No",
            "Living DIY":"No",
            "Living Sporty":"No",
            "Living Upscale":"No",
            "Living Cultural Artistic":"No",
            "Living Highbrow":"No",
            "Living Common":"No",
            "Living Professional":"No",
            "Living Broader":"No",
            "Exercise Running or Jogging":"No",
            "Exercise Walking":"No",
            "Exercise Aerobic":"No",
            "Spectator Sports Auto or Motorcycle Racing":"No",
            "Spectator Sports TV Sports":"No",
            "Spectator Sports Football":"No",
            "Spectator Sports Baseball":"No",
            "Spectator Sports Basketball":"No",
            "Spectator Sports Hockey":"No",
            "Spectator Sports Soccer":"No",
            "Sports Tennis":"No",
            "Sports Golf":"No",
            "Sports Snow Skiing":"No",
            "Sports Motorcycling":"No",
            "Sports Nascar":"No",
            "Sports Boating Sailing":"No",
            "Sports Scuba Diving":"No",
            "Sports Sports and Leisure":"No",
            "Sports Hunting":"No",
            "Sports Fishing":"No",
            "Sports Camping or Hiking":"No",
            "Sports Shooting":"No",
            "Health Medical":"No",
            "Self Improvement":"No",
            "Auto Parts and Accessories":"Yes",
            "Home Sales Transaction":"Resale",
            "Mortgage Most Recent Lender":"BANK OF AMERICA",
            "Mortgage Purchase Lender":"LENDER SELLER",
            "Mortgage Most Recent Lender Name":"LENDER SELLER",
            "Males Age 0-2 in Household":"No",
            "Females Age 0-2 in Household":"No",
            "Unknown Gender Age 0-2 in Household":"No",
            "Males Age 3-5 in Household":"No",
            "Females Age 3-5 in Household":"No",
            "Unknown Gender Age 3-5 in Household":"No",
            "Males Age 6-10 in Household":"No",
            "Females Age 6-10 in Household":"No",
            "Unknown Gender Age 6-10 in Household":"Yes",
            "Males Age 11-15 in Household":"No",
            "Females Age 11-15 in Household":"No",
            "Unknown Gender Age 11-15 in Household":"Yes",
            "Males Age 16-17 in Household":"No",
            "Females Age 16-17 in Household":"No",
            "Unknown Gender Age 16-17 in Household":"No",
            "Males Age 18-24 in Household":"No",
            "Females Age 18-24 in Household":"No",
            "Unknown Gender Age 18-24 in Household":"No",
            "Males Age 25-34 in Household":"No",
            "Females Age 25-34 in Household":"Yes",
            "Unknown Gender Age 25-34 in Household":"No",
            "Males Age 35-44 in Household":"No",
            "Females Age 35-44 in Household":"No",
            "Unknown Gender Age 35-44 in Household":"No",
            "Males Age 45-54 in Household":"No",
            "Females Age 45-54 in Household":"No",
            "Unknown Gender Age 45-54 in Household":"No",
            "Males Age 55-64 in Household":"Yes",
            "Females Age 55-64 in Household":"Yes",
            "Unknown Gender Age 55-64 in Household":"No",
            "Males Age 65-74 in Household":"No",
            "Females Age 65-74 in Household":"No",
            "Unknown Gender Age 65-74 in Household":"No",
            "Males Age 75+ in Household":"No",
            "Females Age 75+ in Household":"No",
            "Unknown Gender Age 75+ in Household":"No",
            "People Age 0-2 in Household":"No",
            "People Age 3-5 in Household":"No",
            "People Age 6-10 in Household":"Yes",
            "People Age 11-15 in Household":"Yes",
            "People Age 16-17 in Household":"No",
            "People Age 18-24 in Household":"No",
            "People Age 25-34 in Household":"Yes",
            "People Age 35-44 in Household":"No",
            "People Age 45-54 in Household":"No",
            "People Age 55-64 in Household":"Yes",
            "People Age 65-74 in Household":"No",
            "People Age 75+ in Household":"No",
            "Census Tract":"051927",
            "Census Block":"1",
            "Value Hunter":"No",
            "Opportunity Seekers":"No",
            "News and Financial":"Yes",
            "Automotive Buff":"Yes",
            "Computer Owner":"Yes",
            "Cooking Enthusiast":"Yes",
            "Do It Yourselfer":"No",
            "Exercise Enthusiast":"Yes",
            "Outdoor Enthusiast":"Yes",
            "Outdoor Sports Lover":"No",
            "Religious Magazines":"No",
            "Male Merchandise Buyer":"No",
            "Female Merchandise Buyer":"Yes",
            "Gardening Farming Buyer":"No",
            "Book Buyer":"Yes",
            "Special Foods Buyer":"Yes",
            "High Tech Leader":"No",
            "Donates To Environmental Causes":"No",
            "Donates By Mail":"No",
            "Is Charitable":"Yes",
            "Is General Contributor":"No",
            "Childrens Products General Back To School":"No",
            "Childrens Products General Baby Care":"No",
            "Childrens Products General":"Yes",
            "Residential Delivery Indicator":"Yes",
            "Is Mortgage Most Recent Lender Name Available":"Yes",
            "Mortgage Most Recent Amount Range":"Mortgage amount $1mm +",
            "Refinance Amount Range":"Mortgage amount $176K- $250K",
            "Refinance Amount":"250000",
            "Refinance Date":"20060222",
            "Refinance Loan Type":"Conventional",
            "Refinance Rate Type":"Adjustable",
            "Refinance Lender Name":"Bank Of America",
            "Is Refinance Lender Name Available":"Yes",
            "Congressional District":"WA:02",
            "Interest in Fitness Offers":"No",
            "Interest in Health Insurance Offers":"No",
            "Interest in Tricare Offers":"No",
            "Interest in Nutra Offers":"No",
            "Interest in Diabetic Offers":"No",
            "Interest in Disability Offers":"No",
            "Online Presence Indicator - File Sharing":"1",
            "Online Presence Indicator - Commerce":"33",
            "Online Presence Indicator - Entertainment":"3",
            "Online Presence Indicator - Communication":"1",
            "Online Presence Indicator - Apparel":"1",
            "Online Presence Indicator - Auto":"1",
            "FIPS City Code":"40840",
            "FIPS State County Code":"53061",
            "Marital Status":"Single",
            "Working Woman in Household":"No",
            "Senior in Household":"No",
            "Number of Children":"2",
            "Young Adult in Household":"Yes",
            "Small Office or Home Office":"No",
            "Home Own or Rent":"Own",
            "Household Income":"> $250,000",
            "Home Value":"$500,000-749,999",
            "Credit Card Holder Bank":"Yes",
            "Number of Credit Lines":"1",
            "Upscale Card Holder":"Yes",
            "Mortgage Purchase Loan Type":"Conventional",
            "Current Affairs and Politics":"Yes",
            "Home Improvement":"Yes",
            "Womens Apparel":"Yes",
            "Mens Apparel":"No",
            "Decorating and Furnishing":"Yes",
            "Donor Environmental":"No",
            "Donor Animal Welfare":"No",
            "Donor Arts and Culture":"No",
            "Donor Childrens Causes":"No",
            "Donor Environmental or Wildlife":"No",
            "Donor Health":"No",
            "Donor International Aid":"No",
            "Donor Political":"Yes",
            "Donor Conservative Politics":"No",
            "Donor Liberal Politics":"No",
            "Donor Religious":"No",
            "Donor Veterans":"No",
            "Donor Unspecified":"No",
            "Donor Community":"No"