Contact Append API

Get full consumer contact information with the Contact API. With a consumer's contact information, you can pull all available contact information from the Versium data, including:

  • Basic Contact information
  • Phone numbers and validated emails.


Here's the format to call the Consumer Contact API:


Email and Address append[]=email&output[]=address&phone=5551234567

Phone Append[]=phone&

Multiple Phone Append[]=phone_multiple&

Mobile only phone append - return individual matches only[]=phone_mobile&match_type=indiv&

Output Type - what data will be returned by the API

Output type is what data will be returned back by the Contact Append API. Below are the different types of output and each have required and optional parameters as described in the below table.


Although multiple output types can be used simultaneously (for example: address[] and phone[]); it is recommended to perform separate calls for each to achieve better results.

One phone type can be used in any given query (i.e. you cannot use phone[] with phone_mobile[], etc).

Output TypeRequired Search Param.Optional Search Param.
addressemail OR phone OR first, last, city, state OR first, last, zipcountry
phoneemail OR address, city, state, zip OR first, last, city, state OR first, last, zipaddress_2, country
phone_mobileemail OR address, city, state, zip OR first, last, city, state OR first, last, zipaddress_2, country
phone_multipleemail OR address, city, state, zip OR first, last, city, state OR first, last, zipaddress_2, country
emailphone OR address, city, state, zip OR first, last, city, state OR first, last, zipaddress_2, country
email_multipleemail OR phone OR Address, city, state, zip OR first, last, city, state OR first, last, zipaddress_2, country
phone_mobile_multipleemail OR phone OR Address, city, state, zip OR first, last, city, state OR first, last, zipaddress_2, country

Inputs - what the API uses to search

Inputs are information that the Contact Append API will use to search in the Versium REACH back end.
This API service accepts a consumer first and last name, and any other known consumer contact information in Common API Parameters. It matches your inputs with consumers in the Versium Data store, and returns consumer information, as available.

firstA person’s first nameJohn
lastA person’s last nameSmith
addressA house/building number and street123 Main St
address_2The unit number of an addressApt 12 or Unit 510
cityA city nameSeattle
stateA US state province two letter abbreviationWA
zipA 5 digit US ZIP code98052
countryA 2 digit country code (only US is supported)US
phoneA valid 10 digit North American phone number2061235555
emailA valid email

Optional Parameters

Optional Configuration Parameters are used to specify and configure how the Contact Append API will perform the search.

Optional Config. Param.ValueDescriptionUsage/LimitationsNotes
match_type- hhld (default)
- indiv
- hhld: match records at household level
- indiv: match records at individual level
Can be used with all output types.
cfg_maxrecs1 (default) -> 100number of returned recordsCan be used with all output types.
rcfg_max_timeA whole or decimal numberMaximum allowed API run time (in seconds)Can be used with all output types.
rcfg_max_emailsIntegerThe maximum number of emails to return per record.1-6 (Max)The param only applies to the email_multiple output.
rcfg_exclude_domains[]string - an email provider domainA list of domains to not return alternate emails, yahoo.comThe param only applies to the email and email_multiple output.

Like output[], this param uses bracket syntax, so a GET request would look like:
rcfg_exclude_domains[] &rcfg_exclude_domains[]